Monday, October 29, 2007

Rough Draft of Script

This is a rough draft with a lot of missing pieces but I wanted to get a quick outline out....

Fade In:
Ext. Outer Space

STAR (an active little star that bounces around. Star is very motherly and has a need to take care of people and make them happy) is bouncing around one day and noices that SUN (a usually cheery character but is feeling lonely and needs some romance in her life) is very upset. [A thought bubble with a boy in it comes up]. Star decides to figure out what kind of guy will make Sun happy. Star decides she will start out on Pluto and take on it's Greek Mythology roles.

Ext. Outer Space -- Pluto
[need to fill in what happens here still]

Star continues to bounce around. Next stop is Saturn

Ext. Outer Space -- Saturn
[need to fill in what happens here still]

Star bounces off to Earth

Ext. Outer Space -- Earth
[need to fill in what happens here still]

Star sits to think what else he can do. After awhile he looks over at Earth and notices a moon revolving around it. MOON (very attractive and very romantic) looks sad as well. Star bounces over to him to talk. A minute later Star brings Moon to Sun and as they match up a solar eclipse occurs.

Fade Out

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